legacy complete.org mailing lists

For 14 years, from 1995 to 2009, Complete.Org (managed by John Goerzen) has hosted various mailing lists. As of October 2009, no mailing lists are hosted here any longer.

Here you will find a reference to help you find current information about the projects that were once here. This includes only public lists; ones that were not publicly advertised for internal communications of organizations and the like are not listed here.

I maintain full copies of archives for all lists once hosted here. Where it made sense, I also ensured that each list was archived in full at gmane.org and that lists.complete.org issuee a correct HTTP 301 permanent redirect for each and every page it served up as archives.

10 years later, in 2019, I realized that gmane.org had disappeared, and that archive.org had never made a good crawl of lists.complete.org. Therefore, I resurrected lists.complete.org from backups, modernized a few aspects of it, and again serve up these archives here, once again preserving this little corner of Internet history.

@complete.org lists

List Dates at Complete.Org Project/List Info Archives
9-11peace 2001 - 2002 moveon.org not publicly available
gopher 2000 - 2009 lists.debian.org original on lists.complete.org, full on lists.debian.org
hpcomm 1999 - 2003 sf or archive.org lists.complete.org
hpcomm-announce 1999 - 2003 sf or archive.org lists.complete.org
hpcomm-cvs 1999 - 2003 sf or archive.org not publicly available
hpcomm-dev 1999 - 2003 sf or archive.org lists.complete.org
impact-announce 1996 - 2009 (last post 1999) morethanmoney.org not publicly available
impact-discussion 1996 - 2009 (last post 2005) morethanmoney.org not publicly available
moneyzine 1996 - 2009 (last post 2005) morethanmoney.org not publicly available
ntpug 2000 Defunct; was North Texas Palm Users Group not publicly available
offlineimap 2002 - 2009 offlineimap.org original, full
offlineimap-commits 2002 - 2003
opendvd-news 1999 - 2002 (last post 2000) defunct (archive.org) lists.complete.org
tetrinext 2000 - 2003 (lastpost 2002) project disbanded lists.complete.org
wsu-acm 1998 - 2006 (last post 2002) Facebook page lists.complete.org

@aclug.org lists hosted at complete.org

Hosted for the Air Capitol Linux Users Group (archive.org link) at complete.org from 1998 - 2009. Current list is aclug-discussion at Google Groups. With Gmane down, the original archives have been restored at lists.complete.org.

@freeciv.org lists hosted at complete.org

Hosted for the FreeCiv project at complete.org from 1998 - 2006. The original archives have been restored at lists.complete.org.

These sites are hosted on the complete.org server. Some are hosted with resources donated to non-profit organizations.

Please see the list of current software and the caveats about the below table on the main software index page. This table was last updated in January 2006, even though it was likely very dated by then already.