The Grumpy Cricket

The Grumpy Cricket (And Other Enormous Creatures) is a lighthearted interactive fiction game by John Goerzen.

As interactive fiction, it’s like an e-book, but the reader is also the player, guiding the exploration of the world.

The Grumpy Cricket is designed to be friendly for a first-time player of interactive fiction. There is no way to lose the game or to die. There is an in-game hint system providing context-sensitive hints anytime the reader types HINT. There are splashes of humor throughout that got all three of my kids laughing.

I wrote it in 2023 for my kids, which then ranged in age from 6 to 17.

The Grumpy Cricket is Free Software.

You can play it live in a web browser at

For the best experience, download and play on your device:

This came is also listed on the Interactive Fiction Database.

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