Voice Keying with a SignaLink USB on Linux
I (John Goerzen / KR0L) wanted to use my SignaLink USB for voice keying during contests and the like. I use Linux for Amateur Radio, and so a natural thought would be using shell scripts for this.
As I explained on the SignaLink USB page, one solution to this problem is to mix in a 21000Hz tone into a 44100Hz 16-bit file. I got tired of doing that manually, so I now do it automatically.
In any shell script, you can put this function:
playcmd () {
sox -V0 -m "$1" "|sox -V0 -r 44100 $1 -t wav -c 1 - synth sine 21000 gain -1" -t wav - \
| aplay -q -D default:CARD=default
playcmd file.wav
Let’s break this down:
I will be using
to merge in the 21000Hz tone. -
says that I want no status output from sox -
says that I will be merging two files into one using sox. -
is the parameter for the main file -
Then the rest of it is the command to generate the 21000Hz tone. We set it to rate 44100, output type wav, one channel. We pass the input file to it as well, simply to get a length. We then generate the tone.
The result is passed to
(for whatever reason,play
doesn’t work right here). You may need to adjust the -D value based on the output of aplay -L on your system.
Then, we can simply say playcmd file.wav
to play the file.
You’ll want to use a mixer program such as alsamixer
to first set the
playback gain to 99 on the SignaLink USB interface before running this
Automatically calling CQ
During contests, it is helpful to automatically call CQ. Here’s a script that will do that:
# NOTE: use alsamixer and set playback gain to 99
set -e
playcmd () {
sox -V0 -m "$1" "|sox -V0 -r 44100 $1 -t wav -c 1 - synth sine 21000 gain -1" -t wav - \
| aplay -q -D default:CARD=default
echo -n "Started at: "
STARTTIME=`date +%s`
while true; do
printf "\r"
echo -n $(( (`date +%s`-$STARTTIME) / 60))
printf "m/${DELAY}s: TRANSMIT"
playcmd ~/audio/cq/sweeps.wav
printf "\r"
echo -n $(( (`date +%s`-$STARTTIME) / 60))
printf "m/${DELAY}s: off "
sleep $DELAY
This will, by default, transmit the file ~/audio/cq/sweeps.wav. It will
pause for 1.5 seconds after each TX, then start transmitting again. When
you hear a station answering your CQ, just hit Ctrl-C to halt
transmissions. When you’re ready to transmit again, if you’ve saved the
script under the name cq
, just type cq
and you’re off and running
Some of what you see is a little fancy screen display. Here’s what it will look like while it’s actively transmitting:
Started at: Wed Dec 1 22:05:03 CST 2010
0m/1.5s: TRANSMIT
The date at the top is the precise time when you started running the script. The 0m is how many minutes have elapsed since that date (in other words, how many minutes you have gone without hearing a station call you). The 1.5s is the delay between transmissions.
When it’s waiting to transmit again, it will just look like this:
Started at: Wed Dec 1 22:05:03 CST 2010
1m/1.5s: off
The string TRANSMIT
changes to off
If you prefer a different delay, you can pass it as a parameter; for
instance cq 2.0
will use a 2-second delay between CQ calls.
Links to this note
Here is a collection of tips for using Amateur Radio on Linux.
Ths SignaLink USB is a small radio interface for use with Digital Amateur Radio. It appears to your computer as a USB sound card. It has a completely isolated radio interface and is sold in various configurations with prebuilt cables for many popular rigs. It’s less than $100, which means it’s very popular.